Monday, July 14, 2014

Personalized Caddies

It's Monday Made It!  Woohoo!  Today I am sharing two Monday Made Its!

First up, the block letters I purchased from the dollar bins at Micahel's!  As soon as I saw the letters that Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools painted, I knew that I needed to get some for my classroom!  I quickly headed over to my local Michael's and sat on the floor searching for all the letters that I needed.  Only problem - I could only find red A's and a pink R and D!  Can you all say "SPRAY PAINT!?!"

Here are what my letters looked like before:

Introducing Seaside and Key Lime spray paint:

And here are what my letters looked like after:

I just love the bright colors!  They will match my new color scheme perfectly!

Next up, spray painted, personalized caddies from Target!  I just knew these caddies would be perfect for either my guided reading table or my reading easel.  They were so useful that I just HAD to get one for my coworker and our new team teacher!  I actually bought three pink caddies, even though there are only two in the picture.

Again, I had one small problem!  The pink caddy was the perfect color for my classroom, but my two coworkers both have a different color scheme.  One uses turquoise and black, while the other uses lime, turquoise and red.  Soooo, I decided to spray paint them, and by I, I mean my wonderful husband, a.k.a. The Spray Painting King!

Remember the spray paint from my "READ" letters?!?!  I used the same Seaside color to paint the caddies turquoise.  First, I taped off all the white.

Then, my hubby got right to spray painting!  It took about three coats, but they turned out BEAUTIFUL!

Now, of course I had to pull out my Silhouette Cameo and use one of my favorite Kevin and Amanda Fonts to customize each caddy!  Here's a close up of my pink caddy:

I LOVE it!  I almost want to go back and buy another one for myself, but I bought out all three Targets in my area!  They are 50% off right now and come in pink, navy and white, if your Target still has any!
The one is for our new teacher who I am mentoring!  I am going to fill it with Sharpies, Flair Pens, Ink Joys, and a few other teacher goodies!  Shhhh!  Don't tell!
Remember to link back to Tara's blog to check out more Monday Made Its!
Now, I am just deciding if I should add coordinating ribbon to the handle... What do you think?  Ribbon or no ribbon?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Hadar! My husband is going to be tired of spray painting after this summer! He is working on my filing cabinet and desk right now! :)

  2. Those are so cute! I think adding ribbon to the handles would look great!

    1. Thanks, Kayla! I am going to play around with the ribbon today and see what I think! I will keep you posted!

  3. I love both projects! I need to get myself to Michael's and snag those letters!!! I say go for the ribbon- some extra ribbon always makes things better!!

    Miss Peluso's Kindergarten

    1. YES! The letters were a great deal, and they did come already painted. I just wanted them all to be a different color. They came in pink, green, purple, and red, I think.

  4. Well those turned out awesome!!! I need a Cameo... Man!

    1. Everyone needs a Cameo! Best investment ever, and I haven't in gotten into making anything crazy with it yet!

  5. Ahh, don't you love spray paint?! It has been my go to item this summer. But, I didnt even think about spray painting those caddys from Target. I saw those a few weeks ago and didn't like the colors they had in stock. I just may have to make a trip back to Target. Shh, don't tell my hubby! :)
    Your projects all look so happy and bright!


    1. I do LOVE spray paint! My husband, not so much! LOL! Good luck finding one! I am going to check one more time when head out today! Don't tell my hubby either! :)

  6. Those tubs are super terrific! I'll have to keep an eye out for those.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

    1. Thanks, Sara! I went to three Targets to get them all! All of the summer stuff is on clearance now, so if you find one, it will be a great deal! Good luck!

  7. Those are so awesome. What do you run through your Cameo to get them on the tubs? Paper?

    Kovescence of the Mind

    1. Hi Sarah! I run adhesive vinyl and then use transfer paper. You can buy the vinyl and transfer paper at the Silhouette website, or Michael's carries it in their stores. I have also bought some from Amazon. I love my Cameo!

  8. I love your letters & caddies. I think I may have to run out to Target today!
    4th & 5th Grade Happiness

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I hope you can find one when you go! Good luck!

  9. I bought two white ones for this same project, great minds! I think they look amazing as they are, but I'm sure they would look cute with ribbon too!

    1. Yes, great minds do think alike! I have one I bought from Target last year that I might jazz up! It is white, but I think I'll use hot pink vinyl and some fun ribbon on the handle!

  10. What a good idea with your tubs from Target! hey turned out SO GREAT! :) I have also been wanting to do the READ signs--maybe next week?!
    Thanks for sharing:)
    Kayla in the Classroom

    1. Thank you, Kayla! I can't take any credit for the spray painting! That was all my hubby's work! I did tape them off though! :)

  11. I am going to have to look for those caddies! they look adorable!

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I wish I would have bought a couple more! I'll have to check again next time I am in Target!

  12. The caddies turned out really great! I am a disaster with spray paint and always end up having to open up a new package of contacts. Lol!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. LOL! I had my hubby paint them for me! I am not that great with spray paint either! :)

  13. Those caddies are so cute! I'm getting too many cute ideas today! Oh, and I vote for ribbon :)

    Stacy (new follower)
    Second Grade Sweetie Pies

    1. I hear ya! Everything I see I want to make! It is killing me! My Monday Made It list is growing!

  14. I really love those caddies. When I am at Target {the nearest one is 30 minutes away} I am going to HUNT for a pink one. :) This would be perfect for my guided reading table. Where in the store did you find them? Your READ letters turned out super cute! I hope to make some cute letters for my library too- I just have to find some!

    Funky in Fourth

    1. Thanks, Cassie! I found them in the summer clearance stuff. Every Target I went to had a least one pink, but no other colors. The letters were in the dollar bins at Michael's. Such a great deal!

  15. I hope I can find some of those caddies at my Target. Your turned out super cute!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to give the two to my coworkers! Good luck!

  16. Wow our color schemes really are the same! LOVE it! Your letters turned out fabulous! Have you been able to get into your room yet?! I can get in on Thursday and cannot wait to start decorating!

    Mrs. Masters’ Kinder Love

    1. I am doing lime, hot pink, turquoise and some yellow! I have been to my room for the past few weeks, but I really didn't get anything done until today. I worked on my bulletin boards and borders. I LOVE how they turned out! I will post pic's soon! Thank you again for adding my button to your blog! I featured a link to your blog in my sidebar too! :)
