Monday, July 28, 2014

Personalized Clipboards

Happy Monday Made It!  This week, I am sharing a throwback Monday Made It! 

I actually made these clipboards last year, and then made a few more for my nephew's preschool teachers this past year.  Since I didn't have a blog then, I wanted to share them with you!  Please disregard the terrible phone pictures!  :(

I bought the clear clipboards from Staples and most of the ribbon from the clearance bin at Michael's.  Here is a close up of some of the ribbon combos:

One of our teammates is a huge basketball fan, but I thought that combo would be cute for a coach too!  I actually bought some football, baseball and soccer ribbon just for that reason!  You can never have too much ribbon on hand, and the clearance bin at Michael's is AWESOME!  It was so awesome, I bought over 30 spools and made all these fabulous personalized clipboards!

Plus, I am in the middle of making one for our new team member!  I just have to find one more spool of ribbon that coordinates with her room colors!

Remember to check back later this week for a peek at a few of my favorite back to school things!
AND, I will have a special guest blogger too!

Enjoy your Monday!  I am headed into my classroom to get some work done!  I told myself I will not talk!  I will work!  I will get something done!  I PROMISE!


  1. Love these! Good luck with the not talking and just working!

    The Math Maniac

    1. Thank, Tara! I love how they all look different and reflect the personalities of my colleagues. I will keep you posted on how the not talking goes! :)

  2. These are great. What lucky friends you have! :)
    Tammy @

    1. Thank you, Tammy! It was so much fun finding ribbon that each of them would like! :)

  3. LOVE those clipboards!! Good luck in your classroom today, can't wait to see pictures! :)


    1. I actually got some things accomplished! I did not talk! I locked myself in my room! LOL!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! I really need to start using my Cameo more! :)

  5. I'm loving the clipboards. I cant' wait to see your new favorite items.

    1. Thank you! I've been working on my favorite items all day! Almost ready!

  6. You inspired me to make one of these for myself. Question though-did you seal the vinyl? If not, did you have a problem with the vinyl coming off throughout the year? TIA!!!

  7. Ok one more question. I really like the font you used. Do you remember what it was? Thanks so much!!!

    1. Hi there! I did not put a sealer over the vinyl. I actually used an indoor/outdoor adhesive vinyl that I ordered from Amazon ( The font I used was from Kevin and Amanda ( and is called Digs My Hart. Hope this helps!
