Saturday, January 24, 2015


Now, I know that most of you are probably all finished learning about and celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  However, I had so many requests for my MLK Jr. egg recording sheet that I thought I'd share now... before I forget so you can file it away for next year!  This is one of the best Martin Luther King Jr. activities I have used for providing a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside.

FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!


I first read about this MLK Jr. egg lesson on the fabulous Mrs. Jump's Class a couple years ago.  We started out by talking about the outside of the egg and the similarities and differences.  My kiddos came up with some great answers, including shape, size and color.  At this point, we completed the first box on our response sheet.  Here's a shot of a fully completed sheet.

FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!

Then, we made predictions about what we thought the inside of the egg would look like.  So many kiddos thought it would be brown.  Of course, we had to crack both eggs open to see!  I bet you can imagine the astonishment that the inside was actually the same!  How could it be?!?

FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!

After completing the rest of our response sheet, we read a short picture biography all about Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream.  We discussed the word "equality" and why it's important to treat everyone equally.  We had already heard the word "equally" during our math lessons, so the kiddos knew exactly what it meant.

FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!


This little demonstration really conveyed the importance of the message:  It's doesn't matter what we look like on the outside.  It's what's on the inside that counts.  Click on the picture below to grab a FREE copy of the response sheet!

FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!


FREE Martin Luther King Jr. activities to teach your Kindergarten students about equality! This MLK Jr. egg activity provides a great visual of being different on the outside but the same on the inside! It’s the perfect Martin Luther King Jr. printable for kids!

Happy belated Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


  1. Replies
    1. You are more than welcome! The kiddos are always amazed by the inside of the egg! Enjoy!

  2. Thanks for this! My kiddos will love it!

  3. Thanks for this freebie! I'm using it this year! :)
