Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Subtraction Book Freebie

Let's talk about books!  I'm linking up with Deanna Jump for Book Talk Tuesday!


This week, I am going to talk about the book Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin.  My kiddos L-O-V-E this book!  The ending is a hoot!  I won't give it away here, but I know your students will enjoy it!

I absolutely love the brightly colored illustrations in this book!  Plus, it is perfect for teaching the concept of subtraction.  First, I read the story, and my kiddos all giggled when we got to the ending.  Then, I pulled out the CD and we listened to the story again.  The CD is a must!  I ordered mine from Scholastic.  The kiddos absolutely loved dancing to the "my buttons" part!  It was PRECIOUS!  After getting all of our wiggles out, we began modeling the problems as we listened to the story for a third time.

I just happened to have some yellow work-mats from our math kit, which worked out perfectly since Pete was wearing a yellow jacket.  Plus, I have a GIANT bag of assorted buttons.  Can you say ZERO PREP?!?!

I had planned to save the next part of this lesson for the next day, but my kiddos just couldn't get enough of Pete's groovy buttons!  This time, we used our dry erase boards to model the problems with a picture and a number sentence.  Of course, we listened to the CD just one more time!

On the next day, we completed the "Four Groovy Buttons" emergent reader.  We practiced modeling the problem with a picture and number sentence.  Then, we read the story with a partner.  I like to call this double-dipping (math and ELA integration).  SCORE!

If you'd like a copy of this groovy emergent reader, click the link below!

Click here to download the "Four Groovy Buttons" emergent reader!

I hope your kiddos love the story just as much as mine did! 



  1. I grabbed your freebie for my daughter who begins her first year teaching in August- first grade! I also added this book to our wish list! Thanks so much!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Hi Carol! Congrats to your daughter! She must be so excited! I love how you are collecting things for her! What an awesome mom!

  2. We LOVE Pete the Cat too, In fact I shared two of his books this week as well. Thank you for the freebie I know my kiddos will love using it this year!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

    1. OMGoodness! It was so precious watching them dance and sing! We are Pete fanatics! I'll have to pop over to your blog and check out what Pete books you chose!

  3. Bless you! I just wound up with K for summer school instead of 3rd and we are already 3 days in. I needed this desperately. Thanks so very much!
    - Sydney.
    Lessons Learned

    1. Hi Sydney! Thank you! How exciting - K for summer school! Be sure to check out my TpT store, as I have tons of freebies in there that might be useful for you. One that I am thinking of is called "Sunny Sounds" for CVC words. Please let me know if you need anything! Good luck!

  4. Just found you from Mrs. Jump's linky. Your blog is precious, and that Pete reader is a great little resource! Please stop by my blog if you get time, to check out my kid-lit pic & pick up a fun fall FREEBIE! Enjoy your summer:)

    1. Thanks, Amber! I am glad you like my Pete emergent reader, and don't even get me started on my blog! I love what Megan designed for me! Sometimes, I just sit and stare at it! I hopped over to your blog too! Great book choice! I haven't heard of that story before, so I will have to check it out! Thanks again!

  5. I just used Pete the Cat with my Kindergartens this week. I'm going to post about it when I get a minute (end of school year, AH!). They love him all year long! Thanks for the share.

    Technically A Media Specialist

    1. Pete the Cat is a Kindergarten celebrity! I hear ya about the end of the year! This is our last week! Crazy! One more day for me! Enjoy your summer!
